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Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contract with Industry: CNES - Inria - UB Contract

Contract number: 130777/00. Call Number:  R-S13/BS-005-012

"Perturbations and averaging for low thrust" (Poussée faible et moyennation).

Research contract between CNES and McTAO (both the Inria and the Université de Bourgogne parts). It run from 2014 till mid-2017. It concerned averaging techniques in orbit transfers around the earth while taking into account many perturbations of the main force (gravity for the earth considered as circular). The objective was to validate numerically and theoretically the approximations made by using averaging, and to propose methods that refine the approximation. It has co-funded the PhD thesis of Jérémy Rouot (defended in October, 2016, also co-funded by Région PACA) and fully funded the postdoc of Florentina Nicolau and 2016 [9], [8] and the postdoc of Lamberto dell'Elce this year.